How To Organize A Closet By Color

Clothing colors play a huge role in creating a cohesive look.

While it seems simple enough, color coordinated outfits aren’t always easy to pull off.

How To Organize A Closet By Color

If you’ve ever tried to organize your wardrobe into neat piles of black, white and neutrals, you’ll understand it can be tricky. 

You start off well enough, but within days your closet can get messy and cluttered. organizing your closet takes a lot of work but the end result is well worth it. 

Organizing by color is easier when you organize the rest of your closet, so here are some tips. 

Create A System

The most important part of keeping your closet organized is having a system in place.

This could mean setting aside certain areas for specific types of garments, such as dresses, pants and skirts, or it could mean storing shoes separately from boots and sneakers. Whatever works best for you, though, is up to you. 

Remember that whatever method you use, you must be consistent.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to find anything easily and this can be frustrating especially at times when you are rushing. 

Have A Designated Spot

Your closet needs to be accessible, so make sure you designate a special area for each type of garment.

For example, if you tend to wear jeans every day ensure they are placed near the front of the closet.

If you rarely wear a dress, place them in the back corner of your closet. 

Rainbow System

When thinking about color coordinating your wardrobe, it’s important to understand about ROYGBV — this is the method of making a rainbow wardrobe and sorting your clothes inside into certain color groups including neutrals such as gray, black, white and tan.

The acronym stands for “red orange yellow green blue violet,” and it’s often an abbreviation used by retailers to categorize their merchandise. 

Janelle Burns, lead interior decorator of Maestri Studio, recommends starting with white, then moving down the spectrum to red, orange, yellow and green.

She says, “White is always neutral and works well for everything.” Then, move down the spectrum to tans, brown and blacks.

“Black goes with almost anything,” she says. “Brown is great for bottoms because it gives jeans some dimension.” Finally, move up to purples, pinks and yellows.

Of course this is just a recommendation so you should work out what method of following the rainbow system works for you and stick to that. 

Use Dominant Color With Patterns 

What about colors with patterns? How do you color code them?

A good rule of thumb is to hang clothes according to the predominant color in the pattern.

For example, if there are blue stripes on a white blouse, hang it in the blue section of your closet.

If there are red stripes on a black skirt, put it in the red section.

This way, you can easily find what you need without having to dig around through piles of clothing.

Color Blocks 

Color blocking isn’t just for clothing anymore. You can use it to organize all sorts of things — like shoes, bags, jewelry, and even accessories.

The idea behind color blocking is simple: place items of similar colors together.

For instance, you could group all red items together, all green ones together, and so on.

But what about those items that don’t fit neatly into one category? As we’ve just mentioned, just group by the predominant color. 

If the colors are a mixture you could also try grouping items based on type.

So, say you had three pairs of jeans, four dresses, three skirts, and five T-shirts.

If you grouped them by type the patterned color won’t matter too much as they will be organized. 

Tonal Shades 

If you’re not into the traditional rainbow theme, another popular way to organize clothing is by tonal shades.

You can choose whether to go left to right within each section or right to left.

Within each section you could organise dark to white. This option is particularly successful if the volume of items are large.

Prioritize Preferred Colors 

The overall aesthetic is important when building a color-coordinated wardrobe, but function remains the biggest factor for success.

Think about your favorite pieces — and what shades you always go for — and make sure they’re easy to access. 

If you have a penchant for one color over another, like pink or black, you’ll want those colors to be front and center.

They’re easier to reach and less likely to become lost among your clothing collection.

So take some time to think about what colors you tend to gravitate toward, and where you’ve found success in terms of pairing those hues with others.


Following on from the last paragraph accessibility is super important when it comes to organizing a wardrobe. 

The solution is simple: Just pick out your “power” colors and outfits, and store them away in an easily accessible location.

When you need them, just pull them out and go!

This way, you won’t have to spend hours digging through your closet trying to find the perfect outfit.

Closet Space 

If you have the time and resources for a complete closet makeover, go for it.

But if not, don’t worry there are plenty of ways to maximize the space you already have.

Try to create a plan for organizing in the space into something functional and stylish which will make color coordinating much easier. 

In Summary 

Organizing your wardrobe into colors not only helps with everyday wardrobe choices but  also helps you avoid the dreaded “clutter”.

So instead of letting clutter build up in your wardrobe  take a moment to think about which items you really love and use regularly.

Then group those items together in a single area of your closet. From there, you can decide what to keep and what to toss.

If you have the time and resources try and make the closet space ‘functional’  Happy organizing!

Jessica Strouss
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