How To Thrift 

Thrifting is shopping for clothes/items in second hand stores, flea markets of garage sales. Thrift items are preloved and cheaper than new products. 

Thrift stores are everywhere, and there are plenty of ways to save money while doing good. It is also a  great way of recycling clothing and reducing your carbon footprint. Here’s how to become an effective thrifter.

How To Thrift 


Thrift shopping without a clear goal is often a bad idea. — it’s like grocery shopping on an empty stomach.

You might find some great deals, but chances are good that you’ll end up spending way too much money. You could also spend hours wandering around stores trying to figure out where to start.

But there’s no reason to feel overwhelmed. Instead, take a few minutes to jot down a shortlist of things you’d like to purchase so you have a clear objective when you go shopping. 

Make A List

Start by creating a mental list of everything you already own. You can then make a list or jot it down on your phone. 

Go through each item on the list and decide of you need to keep it of get rid of it. When you’re thinking of items of clothing to buy think about whether it’s something you really need or just something you’d like to add to your wardrobe.

For example, does owning another pair of jeans make sense for someone whose closet is bursting at the seams? Does having a particular brand of shoes mean anything to you?

Do you have a lot of jewelry, or are most of your pieces costume or novelty pieces? These questions will help you determine whether you need to replace certain items or simply fill holes in your existing collection.


Once you’ve identified your must-haves, sort them into categories such as clothing, accessories etc., and write down the names of those categories along with the number of items you own. 

If you are shopping online for second hand items  head over to your favorite online retailer and enter the items into the site’s search box. Start typing one word per category, and hit enter once you’ve entered every relevant keyword.

Review the results and note the prices of each item. This step alone will give you a pretty good idea of what you can afford.

Now that you have a rough idea of what you want to buy, it’s time to focus on the next step: Selling existing items. 

Sell Garments First 

As we’ve mentioned, to make room for new items you must think about getting rid of existing items, especially if space is limited. Instead of throwing them away, consider selling them at a consignment shop.

Not only do these stores provide a safe environment where you can drop off your belongings, but it also provides a convenient way to earn some extra income.

You don’t ant to use a physical store you can  use sites like ThredUp, Poshmark and eBay to sell your pre-owned goods. But remember: there’s a difference between selling things you already own versus buying something brand new.

For example, if you bought a $200 dress at Nordstrom Rack, chances are you won’t receive much for it when you list it on eBay. 

Use Cash 

When we think about thrifting, there is usually one thing that pops up in our minds—the thrill of finding great deals. But sometimes those deals come with hidden costs. If you want to avoid impulse buys, try sticking to cash only purchases.

Thrift stores typically offer discounts of 50% or more off regular retail prices. They also often carry items that are hard to find anywhere else. 

If you’re looking for a specific item, such as a dress or pair of jeans, make sure you know how much you’ll actually use it. Don’t feel pressured to purchase something just because it’s cheap.

If you do decide to buy something, keep your eyes open for similar styles and sizesthat might work as a complete outfit. This way you’ll save money while avoiding buying too many unnecessary items.

How To Thrift  (1)

Scan The Isles 

Thrift stores are great places to find well-priced items that fit your style and budget. However, there’s no denying it — rummaging through endless piles of clothing can be overwhelming.

But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips to help you save time while browsing the aisles.

  • Start with your favorite color palette
  • Set up a budget before you head out
  • Don’t forget to look at the backside of clothes
  • If possible, bring someone along who knows what they want
  • Keep your eyes open for items that stand out
  • Always be prepared to return something you find unacceptable

Befriend The Staff 

Thrift stores aren’t just places where people go to save money. They’re also great resources for finding unique pieces of clothing, furniture, home goods and accessories.

And there’s no better way to shop for those items than by making friends with the staff. If you know what you want, ask about it. You’ll probably learn something along the way.

Once you’ve found a thrift store that suits your style and budget, start chatting with the employees. Ask about new arrivals and how often stuff gets donated.

If they mention anything about the store’s history, take note. Is it still family owned? Are there any upcoming events?

These little tidbits can help you plan future trips to the store. Also, keep an eye out for special sales, because discounts are always welcome!

Top Tips 

If you want to save money on clothing, there are some tricks you can use to find bargains. First, know what the seasons are for different types of items.

For example, summertime is typically good for dresses, while wintertime is great for coats and boots. 

Next, look for sales (yes, even on second hand items). You’ll often see better prices during holiday sales, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday. But don’t forget about regular sales throughout the year.

Stores tend to run clearance sales every few months, offering deep discounts on everything from shoes to kitchen appliances.

And no matter how much you love shopping for clothes online, you still need to hit up brick-and-mortar stores occasionally. 


Shopping in thrift stores can save money and help you get rid of unwanted items. Just be careful not to overspend.

Remember that you can always resell your old clothes, shoes, furniture, jewelry and accessories at a local store or through an online resale site. This will free up some cash for further purchases. 

Jessica Strouss
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