How To Make An Outfit

Creating the perfect outfit can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have a wardrobe full of clothes that aren’t right and don’t seem to work for you and your needs. 

How To Make An Outfit

But with the right planning, and by choosing the right statement pieces, you can create timeless outfits that are fashionable, practical, and will leave you looking and feeling great time and time again. 

So, without further ado, let’s look at how to create the perfect outfit!

The Steps To Creating An Outfit

When it comes to creating the perfect outfit, there are a series of things you need to remember. 

Think Ahead

This is the first step to creating any perfect outfit, and can be the difference between you feeling great and feeling uncomfortable in the environment you are in. 

This requires consideration of the event you are attending, the purpose of the visit, the activities you will be taking part in, the weather, and the time of day you will be wearing the outfit in. 

It is also important to consider who you will be meeting, and the impression you want to make once you get there. 

Case and point, if the occasion is a first date, then you want to make a strong impression, but if the occasion is simply lunch time drinks with friends, then you can afford to be a little more relaxed. 

Choose The Base Layer

The perfect outfit is all about layers, and the base layer is obviously the first place to start. 

When choosing the best base layer, consider what your outfit will be based around, and then start construction. The base layer will also decide factors such as underwear, and what accessories you want to wear.

If your chosen base layer is simple, then this gives you free reign to be more creative and vibrant with your accent layers, creating the perfect contrast, and looking great in the process. 

However, if your base layer is more of a statement piece, then the other aspects of your outfit should be more subtle in order to maintain balance. 

Lay A Foundation

Creating the perfect outfit starts with the perfect lingerie or shapewear. This is literally the most important aspect, and can really set the tone as to your feelings once the whole outfit is constructed. 

Finding the perfect shapewear will not only create a uniform shape, and remove any unwanted imperfections, creating a better cut to any outfit, and making you feel great in the process. 

Layer As Desired

Layer As Desired

Then comes the time to build up the layers. 

This will depend entirely on the purpose of your outfit, and you can take any number of different routes to achieve your desired look. 

If you are in a formal setting, then add extra layers to cover bare upper arms, as this appears more professional and formal.

You could also add a blazer to your look to really tie everything together and give an impression of professionalism, fashion, and elegance. 

If your chosen activity is more informal, then this is more about creating contrasts – be in terms of color, patterns, or materials. 

For warmth, you can layer according to your body type. If you are plus size, then you can layer with thinner materials to create a more slimming look. 

The Right Shoes

As anyone will tell you, the right shoes can make or break the whole look of an outfit – making them one of the most important aspects of this list. 

Stunning evening dresses do not go well with cork wedges, and similarly, a really elegant outfit will be ruined by cheap or old/damaged shoes that have seen better days. 

Choosing colorful shoes with darker clothing can really make the outfit pop, and likewise, pairing colorful outfits with more sedate shoes can help to bring down the look and give a sense of balance. 

Of course, the purpose of the outfit is what will govern your final choice, and there are countless variations of shoes that you could wear in each instance. 


If there is one thing other than shoes that really brings an outfit together, it is properly paired accessories. Likewise, if these are not used correctly, then it can ruin the look of the whole outfit. 

Accessories also have several uses within fashion, and can achieve so much more than just physical attractiveness. 

Accessories can be used to attract the eye in specific directions, or to accentuate your best features, while distracting from areas you are less confident about.

Earrings and necklaces can draw the attention up to your face, while accessories like belts can create a slim waist, and draw the eye inward. 

More importantly, they can also complete a look – adding a bit of color, sparkle, or texture to any outfit. You could wear the most boring outfit possible, and then improve it with the right accessories. This could be a bag, a scarf, a hat, or some tasteful jewelry. 

How To Create Focal Points

When it comes to creating the perfect outfit, what you are actually doing is creating the right focal points. These should accentuate your assets, and draw attention away from any areas you are less comfortable with. 

Ultimately, when you feel your best, you will look your best – and the perfect outfit is half clothing, half achieving the right level of confidence. 

Each look should have around 3 or 4 focal points – and these don’t have to be super ‘out there’ or loud to achieve the desired effect. 

Final Thoughts

And there we have it, everything you need to create the perfect outfit. 

Ultimately, the perfect outfit is one that makes you feel good about yourself, and this should also be the goal when picking the right clothes. 

So why not give some of these ideas a try? You might be surprised by how well they work!

Jessica Strouss
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